• Question: What makes you a good scientist?:)I'm not very good

    Asked by to Andrew, Elaine, Emma, Michael, Nancy on 18 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Nancy Carlisle

      Nancy Carlisle answered on 18 Jun 2014:

      Lots of people aren’t good at things when they first start! There is evidence to suggest that people need to spend years learning before they reach their peak of knowledge/performance in a domain. I’ve been studying science for about 10 years now, and I still have lots to learn. One of the great things about science is that you can never ‘know it all’, which makes every day more fun since I can always learn something new! 🙂

    • Photo: Emma Reid

      Emma Reid answered on 18 Jun 2014:

      If you enjoy studying science then that’s the most important thing, it doesn’t matter if you think you’re “good” at it or not! I bet you’re much better than you think you are! 🙂 If you enjoy learning about science, then just stick with it, you might surprise yourself and end up being top of the class one day! 🙂

    • Photo: Michael Kelly

      Michael Kelly answered on 18 Jun 2014:

      I think two things make a good scientist; being interested and curious about things and the second is determination. Curiosity makes the work fun and determination means you keep on trying even when its not so much fun.

      Try not to underestimate you abilities your young and have a lot to learn, do, and experience. The hardest part I think for everyone is still trying even when things get hard.

    • Photo: Andrew French

      Andrew French answered on 19 Jun 2014:

      What everyone else said 🙂
      Also, its important to realise you don’t have to be good at *everythingMATOMO_URL Most scientists work in a very narrow area of research, and rely on others knowing more about the work around it. We don’t know everything (not at all! 😛 )
