• Question: What is the main reason for dreaming? Is it simply that we'll expierence what we dream about some time in real life?

    Asked by to Emma, Nancy, Andrew, Elaine, Michael on 17 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by , .
    • Photo: Emma Reid

      Emma Reid answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      Hi Rachel!
      This is a really good question and the truth is that we really don’t know the answer yet! To be honest, I don’t know if we’ll ever fully understand why we dream! There’s lot of research out there on this topic and a lot of it says that it’s our brain’s way of processing things which have happened to us during the day or it’s a way of us trying to make sense of our thoughts and feelings about particular things. It’s such an interesting topic and I really do hope you’re right and that dreams do come true! 🙂
