• Question: in future will people be able to capture memories like a camera? like taking pictures of things with their eyes? and how will this benefit other people? for example will it help blind people see agan?

    Asked by to Andrew on 19 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Andrew French

      Andrew French answered on 19 Jun 2014:

      Well there have been projects before in which people wore a camera taking photos all the time. Then you kind of have a ‘life record’. One of the problems here is just sorting and organising the massive amounts of pictures collected.
      Today, phones kind of do this a bit. They store and organise loads of photos for us, and record where we’ve been. There are going to be some exciting developments in this area in the coming years I think.

      This is course doesn’t replace eyes. I’m sure there are people working on artificial eyes but I don’t know much about that I’m afraid. What this can do potentially is act like an ‘external memory’ – time will tell if it has any interesting uses!
