• Question: how has science helped you to where u are today currently in life?

    Asked by to Andrew, Elaine, Emma, Michael, Nancy on 24 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Nancy Carlisle

      Nancy Carlisle answered on 24 Jun 2014:

      Well, science has helped me in innumerable ways. But I would have to say that the main way that science has helped me is by keeping me alive. In the recent past, many people died due to infection, injury, or due to not understanding that clean water and good hygeine are critical for keeping people healthy. Science is how we discovered antibiotics, how to process water to make sure it doesn’t make people sick, and how to keep food from rotting. I certainly wouldn’t be where I am today if I was dead! 😉

    • Photo: Andrew French

      Andrew French answered on 25 Jun 2014:

      Agree with Nancy, and on a more personal level, science is the very reason I have a job. Without scientific methods, we wouldn’t be able to explore the world in an organised way, and research as a career would be completely different.
