• Question: Do you have a lab partner?

    Asked by to Nancy, Michael, Emma, Elaine, Andrew on 16 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Andrew French

      Andrew French answered on 16 Jun 2014:


      In a way, I have loads of lab partners! I work with lots of people from many different backgrounds: some are great at maths, others are engineers who can build robotics, others are biologists …there’s many different people, and we all work together to solve problems. The important thing to remember is no-one can be an expert at everything – learn to be good at what you do, and learn to talk to and work with people who are good at other things.


    • Photo: Emma Reid

      Emma Reid answered on 16 Jun 2014:

      Hi Maisy!
      I don’t have a lab partner as such but I have a fantastic technician called Lynsey-Dawn and she is like my wing-woman!! She helps me to organise experiments and make up solutions and order equipment and other things which are often taken for granted and can be very time-consuming! She also shares my love of cheesy music and karaoke and we can often be spotted dancing around the lab singing badly along with the radio!!

    • Photo: Michael Kelly

      Michael Kelly answered on 16 Jun 2014:

      I work as part of a team with a principle investigator. In the team there are two post docs (people with PhDs) and the two post graduate students (studying for a PhD), we also have a retired electronics engineer who helps us build equipment for experiments and we have close links with a manufacturing company.
      Our team work with doctors and scientists in the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital and have close links with scientists in Greece, America and the Netherlands.

    • Photo: Nancy Carlisle

      Nancy Carlisle answered on 16 Jun 2014:

      Back when I was getting my PhD, I shared a space with 3 other researchers. It was great fun, because when I would get stuck on a question I could just turn around to ask someone! And if I was really stuck, it might warrant a walk to Starbucks… But now I work more on my own, and I have people around me who do different work. It’s still fun to talk with them about science, but it’s not the same as having 3 good friends and fellow researchers at my side every day!

    • Photo: Elaine Gardener

      Elaine Gardener answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      I don’t have a lab partner but as the Microbiology supervisor, I have a team of 8 people in the lab, all working on things. Some are junior and others senior microbiologists plus some support technicians.

      Our work can mainly be carried out by one person but that doesn’t stop everyone getting involved in each project when they need help.
