• Question: Do any other parts of our body have as much knowledge and information as our brain does?

    Asked by to Andrew, Elaine, Emma, Michael, Nancy on 24 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Nancy Carlisle

      Nancy Carlisle answered on 24 Jun 2014:

      Our brains are THE storehouse for information! The closest thing to knowledge in other areas of the body would be in the spinal cord, where ‘central pattern generators’ can continue relfexes like walking, once initiated. So once your brain tells your spinal cord to start walking, it can keep doing so WITHOUT the brain sending more signals saying ‘keep walking, keep walking, keep walking,…’. You can see why the brain is so important- and why I always wear a bike helmet when I cycle- I love my brain!

    • Photo: Michael Kelly

      Michael Kelly answered on 25 Jun 2014:

      I suppose our immune system stores a vast amount of knowledge. each time our immune system meets a protein it can detect whether its foreign or not and respond accordingly. Sometimes it gets confused and we have auto immune diseases like arthritis, but for many of us its a reliable database.
